August 28, 2009


Ya les habia platicado que tenemos dos perritos, que estamos cuidando uno para una tia de Dago, pero ya me encariñe con el, es muy buen perro, tranquilo, obediente, nada que ver Sulie, la desmadrosa.

Total, se supone que ibamos a tenerlo hasta diciembre, pero ayer, estaba yo dormitando en el sillon, cuando llega Dago, se me inca y dice:

Dago: Laura, mi mama llamo

Laura: y? van a a venir?

Dago: no , me dijo que ir a a Las Vegas este viernes, a visitar a su amiga... Le platico a Clarissa, y dijo YO tambien voy!!! (siendo Clarissa, la tia de Dago, la original dueña de Hans)

Laura: Y??????? (Dago me vio con cara de tristeza) NO!!!! el Hans el mio...

Dago: Dijo que se lo podian llevar, para darselo a Clarissa.

Y ya me quede triste..... y muy muy triste..... :(

Y mas triste, por los van a separar, y han crecido juntos :( los hermanitos Ramirez :(

Nadie me da segunda con lo de quedarnos con los dos :( pero me dicen que seria malo, porque luego se pueden cruzar y balbalblaba pero ya ni modo :(

Ahora me dedicare a Sulie, la desmadrosa...

August 21, 2009


toy leyendo elblog de la mitzi de hace rato
y salio esto:

Tienes manitas de estomago, porque todo lo haces caca.

no me peles esos ojos que no te voy a hechar gotas!

no soy chismosa, soy receptiva

Mis perros

Estan creciendo muy rapido, haciendo su desmadre y cochinero(sin querer claro)

Pero estan bien hermosos, que importa que tengamos que limpiar el piso todos los dias....

Los dos bien portados sentados como osos....

La Sulie con su cara de "Soy Ruda y Malvada"
Mencion honorifica a Hans, porque se puso en pose sin moverse, con lenguita de fuera y todoY aqui como si nunca hiciera nada, como ponerse debajo de la refri, escarbar el lodo, brincar como loco.... no... el no hace nada

Hans y Sulie (2 meses)

wow legalize small amount drugs in MEXICO

A partir de ahora la dosis máxima de mariguana sin penalización es de 5 gramos por persona.

Las reformas prevén implementar programas de prevención del consumo de narcóticos y no es persecutoria del consumidor, por lo que establece las dosis máximas de droga que una persona puede portar para su consumo sin ser castigada. A saber, 2 gramos de opio, 50 miligramos de heroína, 5 gramos de marihuana, 500 miligramos de cocaína, 0.015 miligramos de LSD y 40 miligramos de metanfetaminas.

Un poco atrasada en la noticias, esto se aprobo durante la fiebre porcina

August 20, 2009

Otra movie por ver!!! AVATAR TRAILER

Estoy emocionada!!!!!!

Pero creo que no es lo mismo que pense

August 18, 2009


Saben ustedes que yo soy fan de SOLO DESCARGAS DIRECTAS, asi que cuando entre el dia de hoyy no estaba el blog casi me muero!!!!! pero o gracias!!! ya tiene blog nuevo aqui esta el link

August 08, 2009

Finally presenting

Acabo de llegar de una juntacion muy anelada por las compañeras de la uni.
Y por fin tengo la camara conmigo asi que les presento a nuestros retoños:

Sulie (derecha) y Hans (izquierda)

Y perdonen por la calidad de foto pero pueden entender que no se quedan en paz, son las 2 am y los tengo corriendo por TODA la casa (grandisima que tengo) ladrando y gruñendo.

July 30, 2009


Quebec Immigration Update: Changes to selection grid to improve immigration and settlement process

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Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Since 1991, the province of Quebec has had an agreement in place with the Government of Canada, called the Canada-Quebec Accord, which allows Quebec to select its own immigrants. In the June 2009 edition of our newsletter, we reported that the Quebec Immigration Minister had announced changes to Quebec’s immigration programs. Some of these changes have already been put into effect, while others will be implemented in October. More information has since been released about how the new amendments will facilitate immigration to Quebec.

Quebec’s population is aging at a faster rate than that of the rest of Canada, as well as that of most developed countries. This is combined with the fact that current birth rates in Quebec are not enough to allow the population to grow, or to replace the loss in the workforce resulting from this demographic shift.

The Minister expects that the proposed amendments will help combat these challenges by welcoming a greater number of qualified immigrants to Quebec.

The changes are being implemented in three stages.

    First of all, some minor changes to Quebec Immigration were made earlier this month, aimed at facilitating the process for families, students, and people currently facing distressful situations in their home countries.

  • Individuals who have been issued a Certificat de Sélection du Québec (Quebec Selection Certificate, commonly known as a CSQ) can now add a new spouse or child to their application without having to pay additional Quebec government processing fees.

  • Study permits are now valid for 49 months, as opposed to 37 months, in order to accommodate students in programs that require four years to complete.

  • To facilitate the application process for people applying under the category of persons in a particularly distressful situation, Quebec immigration authorities are now waiving interviews for these applicants whenever possible.

The second stage is the new Programme de l’expérience québécoise (Quebec Experience Class), an essential component of the new immigration regulations, which will be rolled out sometime before October. This program will allow foreign students and workers in the province to immigrate to Quebec under a simplified, accelerated process.

People who have studied in Quebec have already been integrated into Quebec society and have educational qualifications that employers in the province will recognize, Quebec’s Immigration Minister said in her announcement of the changes.

Finally, the last stage of the changes will be implemented on October 14, 2009. Modifications to the requirements and processing of Quebec Skilled Worker applications will be made, to ensure that applicants who fulfill the immediate needs of Quebec’s labour market are selected on a priority basis.

The system will favour young workers and families, as well as those who have worked, studied or stayed in Quebec.

The proposed changes are being implemented to attract more immigrants who have the potential to successfully settle in Quebec and participate in its workforce.

Quebec’s Skilled Worker program operates under a “selection grid” of criteria used to determine whether an applicant would be able to successfully settle and work in the province. Points are assigned to applicants and their spouses, if applicable, according to their level and field of education, work experience, age, previous experience in Quebec and language ability.

In order to be eligible to apply for immigration as a Quebec Skilled Worker, a pass mark of 50 points for single applicants and 57 points for applicants with accompanying spouses must be met.

The updated breakdown of the Quebec Skilled Worker selection criteria has not yet been released, but general changes have been announced.

  • Applications where the principal applicant or their spouse has the necessary training for occupations that are highly in demand in Quebec will be processed on a priority basis. The Quebec Immigration Minister recently issued a “List of Preferred Areas of Training” which lists the fields of training that fall under this priority-processing category.

  • Education, age and previous stays in Quebec will be considered differently under the new system. Points allocated for the level of education of the applicant and his or her spouse will take two-year university programs into account. While applicants are currently awarded extra points for having obtained their degree, diploma or certificate in Quebec, no matter what their field of education, the extra weight given to education in Quebec will now be built into the List of Preferred Areas of Training.

  • The number of points allocated for age will now decline less dramatically after the age of 35.

  • Previous work or study in Quebec will earn the applicant additional points, if the applicant does not qualify for the Quebec Experience Class.

The selection grid was last revised in October 2006. Quebec regularly reviews its immigration programs and policies to ensure that individuals who can make a successful transition to Quebec society and its workforce are able to immigrate to the province. The adjustments to the grid that will be made this year are in response to Quebec’s current labour market and demographic needs.

July 27, 2009


Recuerdan que les dije que tendria perrito, pues el sabado fue el primer dia en la casa....
Sulie Ramirez,
pero adivinen que!!!
Que nos mandaron otro! (por mientras) lo cuidaremos de aqui a diciembre.

Luego les enseñare fotos, en este momento estamos en la parte de llorar, morder, llorar, cagar, llorar, miar y llorar por TODA la casa, que no es mucho :D

Tons ya somos 4,
Dago, Laura, Sulie y Hans Ramirez :D

Mas aventuras vendran!

July 14, 2009


73% HeteroLorita Garcia is 73% HeteroHow hetero are you? How hetero is Martha Stewart? Try out any Twitter name and get the real picture. Are we really the words we use? Hope to see you at Stockholm Pride!

July 13, 2009

Fun Facts to my people


RENATA is the most popular name in USA. One in every 14,629 Americans are named as RENATA and popularity of name RENATA is 68.36 people per million.

If we compare the popularity statistics of RENATA to USA's population statistics, we can estimate that as of July.13.2009 17:02 there are 20,994 people named as RENATA in the United States and the number of RENATA's are increasing by 180 people every year.
"Courtesy of'


ISRAEL is the most popular name in USA. One in every 4,155 Americans are named as ISRAEL and popularity of name ISRAEL is 240.67 people per million.

If we compare the popularity statistics of ISRAEL to USA's population statistics, we can estimate that as of July.13.2009 17:02 there are 73,917 people named as ISRAEL in the United States and the number of ISRAEL's are increasing by 632 people every year.

"Courtesy of'


DAGOBERTO is the most popular name in USA. One in every 140,441 Americans are named as DAGOBERTO and popularity of name DAGOBERTO is 7.12 people per million.

If we compare the popularity statistics of DAGOBERTO to USA's population statistics, we can estimate that as of July.13.2009 17:03 there are 2,187 people named as DAGOBERTO in the United States and the number of DAGOBERTO's are increasing by 19 people every year.
"Courtesy of'


LAURA is the most popular name in USA (... 113.roy , 114.norman , 115.laura , 116.harry , 117.victor ...). One in every 443 Americans are named as LAURA and popularity of name LAURA is 2.26 people per thousand.

If we compare the popularity statistics of LAURA to USA's population statistics, we can estimate that as of July.13.2009 17:03 there are 692,805 people named as LAURA in the United States and the number of LAURA's are increasing by 5,928 people every year.

"Courtesy of'

Parece que gane.... si quieres buscar el tuyo anexo enlace AQUI

July 09, 2009

Todos pueden aprender ingles

Todos pueden... escuchando a Britney!

July 07, 2009

Serie olvidada de FOX

Two Guys, a girl and a pizza place (si asi es todo el nombre completo) y me doy cuenta que las casas, siempre son asi, la de friends, la de how i met your mother etc etc...

Yo la miraba bien feliz en el FOX por el año 99 o 2000. y desaparecio y no supe el final. Bueno solo duro del 1998 al 2001 (4 temporadas)

Links al piloto

Parte 1
Parte 2
Parte 3

Here we go again


Pues resulta que como ustedes sabran yo soy "FANS" de la series, pero me he dado cuenta, si en mi pequeño mundo.. que las entradas son super elaboradas para la serie, (la segunda esta mejor)

Mis favoritas son:

Big Bang Theory (pero no la miro), tan rapido que es divertido

Y True Blood (que esta si la miro todita) esta tan burdo que algunas cosas dan miedo

July 06, 2009

Despues de

si, despues de 1 ano y 4 meses de novios, 7 meses de casados (HOY JUSTO) el viernes pasado Dago conocio a David en el beerfest!

Que nos fuimos Mitzi, Luis, Dago y yo y nos encontramos a varios de la prepa.... was fun, even more when we finish our beerfest in our house :D